Senin, 17 Januari 2011


Invitation is how to invite people to go to place or do something. To invite someone To Accept an Invitation
-I would like you to -Thank you. Yes I would like to…
-we would be pleased if you could… -Yes, I would thanks.
-Would you like to…? -That would be very nice, thank you
-shall we…? -All right…!
-How about…? -O.K !
-What about…? -I’d like to thank you.

Declining an invitation Responding
-I’m really sorry about that -I’s a pity
-Sorry, I can’t. I have something to do that day -That’s OK
-Thank you for your invitation,but I don’t think -Oh, I see maybe some other time.
i can make it. -No problem, really.
-Thank you for invitating us, but we have a little -It’s all right. But please
business to do. Reschedule your agenda.
-That’s very kind of you, but unfortunately I will
have to miss it.
-we’re very sorry. We’ve already had an appointment
that time
-I’d like to. But, I have to baby sit my little brother.

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